Vancouver Island's Only MOBILE 3D Ultrasound Provider
Who we are...
At Blooming Baby Images we provide you and your family with the chance to interact and share an amazing experience through our 3D/4D ultrasound technology. Relax in the comfort of your own home and view real-time images of your growing baby on your own TV!
We want to provide you with the best possible bonding experience with the convenience of being in your own home. This allows you to have as many people as you wish to enjoy your ultrasound, all without the hassle or worry of having to travel or fight traffic to get to an office.
Fall in love with those chubby little cheeks, tiny fingers and toes, and maybe even witness a little yawn or smile! We take the time to catch precious moments with your baby that you might not get to see during your average ultrasounds ordered by your doctor or midwife. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to request an appointment.
Our Founder, Narissa Dougans, started this business in 2016 after experiencing a mobile 3D Ultrasound during her own pregnancy with her son. She loved the experience so much that she wanted to bring this amazing service to Vancouver Island.

What is the difference between 2D/3D/4D Ultrasounds?
2D ultrasounds show a flat black and white image that appears more skeletal, which are the same kind of ultrasounds you will see at your doctor/midwife ordered scans. 3D ultrasounds show your baby with more depth and contour to the face and body. 4D ultrasounds are a series of 3D images strung together to create a video to show baby's movements in real time.
When is the best time to have a 3D/4D scan?
Clear and realistic photos can be captured throughout a pregnancy, usually between 10-37 weeks. If you are looking to find out your baby's sex/gender, we can do that anytime after 14 weeks. If you are wanting to see more of your baby's facial features, we recommend having a scan around the 26-34 week mark! If you are carrying twins, we recommend between 25-29 weeks.
How soon can we find out the sex/gender of our baby?
We can find out the sex/gender for you as of your 14th week.
Do I need to prepare anything for our appointment?
We typically use your living room couch for you to lay on for the scans, so make sure there is a comfy place for you to lay down. We will also need a towel for cleaning up the ultrasound gel. Being well hydrated the days leading up to your scan is VERY IMPORTANT for capturing clear images, but no need for a full bladder during your appointment. Unless you were instructed by your doctor or midwife not to, having something sweet 15 minutes before your scan may help in having baby awake and moving for us!
How long do the ultrasound appointments typically take?
The length of the appointment depends on which package you choose as well as the position of baby at the time. We usually suggest planning for about an hour or so, so that if baby needs time to move, turn or uncross those legs, we have enough time without feeling rushed!
What areas does your mobile service cover?
We are located in beautiful Victoria BC and can cover all of Greater Victoria to Duncan the majority of the time. We also make regular trips to Nanaimo, Port Alberni, the Comox Valley and Campbell River. If you are outside of these areas we are happy to discuss further as well.
What method of payment do you take?
We can accept cash, debit, credit and e-transfer.
Can we have a 3D/4D Ultrasound and keep the sex/gender a secret?
Absolutely! Whether you'd like to have a gender reveal at a later date or not find out at all, we can definitely keep it a surprise for you during your scans with us!
Who can I have at my appointment?
The best part of having these scans in your own home is that you can have whoever you want there to enjoy it with you!